Working With Children Check


Nagle Pre-School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making.

Nagle Pre-School has zero tolerance for child abuse.

Nagle Pre-School is committed to providing a child safe environment where children are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Particular attention will be paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.

Every person involved in Nagle Pre-School has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make. To support this responsibility and commitment to Child Safe Standards and associated policies, Nagle Pre-School requires all parent/guardian volunteers to hold a current Working With Children (WWC) check and list Nagle as an organisation they are involved in prior to commencing volunteer duties (which includes parent Stay and Play and excursions).


How To Apply

Unless you are planning to work in paid employment, you will only require a VOLUNTEER check. Volunteer applications are free.

You must start the process by completing the online application form.

This can be found at: Click on ‘Apply for a Check’ then ‘Get started’……

What you'll need to do next:

Step 1: Prove your identity with documents using your phone

Step 2: Fill out an online form

Step 3: Consent to Working with Children Check Victoria passing your info on to do your check.

How To Link Your WWCC Card To Nagle Pre-School

If you already have a WWC Check, you must please list Nagle Pre-School as an organisation you are involved with. To do this, please click on this link. You will be able to change your address, phone number, email address and organisational details via this link:

Step 1: Enter your full name and date of birth. If you have an initial on your card for your middle name, you will need to put your FULL middle name here.

Step 2: Enter your WWC Check card number, noting this is only the first 8 characters on your card. Then click continue.

Step 3: Verify your account by entering a security code sent to your phone or email.

Step 4: Under ‘Organisation details’ you will see ‘Add an organisation’. Please add Nagle Pre-School’s details here (if it does not recognise the address, please just type 59-61 Sandringham Road, Sandringham in manually).

Step 5: Under ‘Child-related work’ click on ‘Add child-related work’ and choose ‘26 Children's services including kindergartens or preschools (Children's Services Act 1996 & Education and Care Services National Law (Vic) Act 2010)’.

Step 6: Tick declaration and click ‘Update details’.

The kinder will then receive a notification letter from the Department of Justice confirming your registration and organisational link to Nagle Pre-School.

Please note, that in most cases it can take up to 5 weeks to process an application. Nagle must receive a notification letter from the Department of Justice that confirms your WWC Check status prior to involvement in any volunteer activities.

Should you require more information, please contact our Administration Officer at