Committee of Management

Committee Of Management

Nagle Pre-School is run as an Incorporated Association.

Our teaching team, Administration Officer and Finance Officer, manage all operations of the kinder along side the Committee of Management.

The Committee of Management is made up of parent volunteers elected at the Annual General Meeting, and includes an Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) and General Committee. (Sub-committees may be formed for thing like fundraising, social or other purposes.

Nagle Pre-School can not operate without a parent run voluntary Committee of Management.

It is a wonderful opportunity to shape your child’s early childhood education experience, as well as the future direction of community kindergarten.

If you would like to know more about Nagle's Committee of Management and how it works, please email

Fundraising Social Committee

Nagle has a highly engaged Fundraising Social committee that organises various activities such as a welcome morning tea, group coffees and dinners, movie days and Christmas party’s amongst many other things! Some of these activities are fundraising events whilst others are purely social in nature to bring our wonderful community together.